SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM

Ministries of Prayer

Avila Vocations

The Avilas join together under the patronage of St. Teresa of Avila to pray for an increase in vocations to vowed and ordained life and to offer prayer support for the perseverance of those already committed to religious vocations.

Members attend 11:00 Mass on the first Tuesday of each month and following Mass have a short prayer service.  Homebound members commit to offer an hour of prayer once a month in their homes to the best of their ability. A vocation prayer book is provided.

Healing Prayer

Weekly meetings are held on Wednesday morning to pray for the intentions of the parish, and the sick, and those who have asked us to pray for them. Members of the healing prayer ministry are available to pray with and lay hands on parishioners after weekly prayer time or as requested.

Ministers of Praise

Parishioners age 60 or over or homebound parishioners or any age pray for the needs of the parish. If you are interested, contact Melissa DiFini:, 440-331-4255 x105.