SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM

Ministries for Students

CLOW- Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Celebrated during the 10:00a Mass on most Sunday’s, CLOW helps children ages 5-10 participate more fully in the Sunday liturgy by listening to the scriptures and reflecting on them at their level.

Children are seated with their parents during the Opening Rites. Before the first scripture reading, the celebrant will announce that children participating in CLOW should come forward. They are led to the Gathering Area/Prayer Room by adult leaders who proclaim the readings adapted for children and guide them in a reflection.  Children are returned to the gathered community in pews at communion. Children have not left Mass! No need to register and you can join your child.

CLOW depends upon adult volunteers. You’ll work on a team and your commitment would be about one Sunday each month.  Contact PSR Principal Sharon Armstrong at to learn more.


Cub Scouts

For more information, please contact Jeff Arra at

Athletic Association

St. Christopher Parish Athletic Association exists to promote, coordinate, and finance an athletic program at St. Christopher Parish.

  • Registration: Open All Year

  • Meeting time: First Tuesday of every month

  • Contact: Herb Pauly:

VIRTUS – Compliance to work with Minors

Everyone who works with minors in any capacity needs to be compliant.  This is a three-step process:

  1. Background check (BCI and/or FBI – contact the Religious Education Office)

  2. Read and sign Standards of Conduct for Ministry, 2016 and Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, 2016(tab below)

  3. Attend a Virtus live training session (tab below)

To view the Diocesan Documents and Policies please click the button below, which will direct you to the Diocese of Cleveland’s page “Protecting God’s Children”.

To see a schedule of training sessions, or to register for a session, please click here the button below.