J+Walkers Mission Statement
As a community of engaged and enthusiastic teens1, we are determined to be disciples of Christ as we play, pray, learn, and grow together2. Using our gifts3, we will serve our parish and local community for the benefit of our neighbor4. We are committed to conducting our lives as people of faith through invitation and participation5.
- J+Walkers is a diverse group of students who have come together to share their faith with others! We encourage middle and high school students to work together as they spread the love and joy of Christ.
- Play – we enjoy games as an opportunity to laugh, have fun, exercise, and socialize. Pray – engaging in prayer together (especially the Mass) helps us grow in faith individually and communally. Learn – Our Christian faith is rich with knowledge and wisdom that can help us lead happy, holy lives. Grow – As a community, we strive to build one another up. We grow together physically, spiritually, and educationally as we journey through life.
- We recognize that every teen has unique gifts and talents. Some of us may be good public speakers, others teachers, others artists, etc. By identifying our unique gifts we can each contribute in a special way to our group! “There are many parts, but one body” (1 Cor. 12:20)
- Serving those around us is the ultimate lesson of the Gospel: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34).
- The Kingdom of God is like a feast held by a king, to which all of his people are invited (Matthew 22). J+Walkers are called to be people of the invitation! This invitation is enthusiastic, engaging, and mobile. Participation, through service, prayer, and the offering of one’s talents is necessary for our group to thrive and grow in the image and likeness of Jesus.