Funeral arrangements are made with the help of a Funeral Director. The Funeral Director will assist in contacting St. Christopher Parish Office to schedule the Funeral Mass prior to placing the obituary notice in the newspaper.
These resources will help you in planning the funeral liturgy for your loved one:
Funeral Mass Planning Sheet
Use The Order of Christian Funerals Planning Guide and the Funeral Music Selections playlists to complete the Funeral Mass Planning Sheet. Return the Planning Sheet to the priest or to the parish office as soon as possible. If you need assistance, a parish staff member will gladly provide help.
The Order of Christian Funerals Planning Guide
The Order of Christian Funerals Planning Guide will assist your family in planning the Mass of Christian Burial for your loved one. By choosing the readings and the music you and your family will share more fully in the liturgy, and express your care and love for your deceased family member.
Family members or friends are encouraged to proclaim the Scripture Readings and lead the Universal Prayers (also called Prayers of the Faithful) during the Funeral Mass. When selecting readers, please choose individuals with clear speaking voices, as the Scripture proclaimed is meant to bring comfort to those gathered to pray. To help your readers prepare, we recommend providing them with a copy of the Scripture Readings ahead of the liturgy. If you would prefer for the parish to provide the readers, please indicate this on the planning form.
Use this Planning Guide to complete the Funeral Mass Planning Sheet, indicating all selections and the names of family or friends who will be participating in each role. Return the Planning Sheet to the priest or to the parish office as soon as possible. If you need assistance, a parish staff member will gladly provide help.
Funeral Music Selections
Use the links below to view a list of suggested musical selections for each part of the mass. These selections have been chosen from the Gather Hymnal used at St. Christopher Church. Click on the name of each piece of music to hear a preview of the song on YouTube. Other songs may be acceptable. Please check with the priest or the St. Christopher music director and make sure that the song can be found in our Gather hymnal or include in a program, with proper copyright, to assure active participation by all present.
Note: Seasonal music is appropriate during the liturgical seasons of the year, i.e. Easter music during the Easter season, Christmas carols during the Christmas season, etc. Songs that contain the word “Alleluia” may not be used during the season of Lent.
Please select one option from each category and note on the Funeral Planning Sheet