At St. Christopher Parish – we are encourage each other to be better stewards of our money, setting aside an offering to the parish each week. Talking about money in a church setting is distasteful to some people – but it shouldn’t be. Jesus himself spoke about money frequently, for the very simple reason that money plays an important role in our lives.
In addition to the weekly donation envelopes, we offer the opportunity to donate both online and through direct debit.
Donate to St. Christopher Parish through PayPal
To give through Direct Debit
How to Give Online
All information is secure and encrypted to protect you and your information. We use an online bank and the parish does not process or see credit card numbers.
- FOR MEMBERS: You must have a Member Login account to give online, click the “Click Here to Give OnLine” link below to get started. Use the same user name and password as you use for myStChrisParish. You will also have access to giving when you are logged into the member page.
- FOR NON-MEMBERS: You may login as Guest. You can give a “one time” contribution or set up “recurring” giving.
- You can view Giving Reports at your convenience and download End-Of-Year Statements for tax purposes as well.
Contact Business Manager Joe Williams with questions