Welcome to Saint Christopher Parish
in Rocky River, Ohio
We are a Catholic community of faith with over 3200 families. You are invited to worship with us and to explore our home on the web. Our current bulletin can be found here, as well as information regarding our vibrant parish.
It’s Tax Time – It’s Not Too Late!
You can still convert your 2024 tax dollars into Angel Scholarship funds for students at St. Christopher.
You choose where your State of Ohio Tax Dollars Go
If you choose not to contribute to the Angel Scholarship Fund, you will still pay your full tax liability to the State of Ohio and the state will determine how that money is spent. By participating in the Angel Scholarship Fund you get to designate that these tax dollars will provide tuition assistance for Saint Christopher students!
If your 2024 state taxes are equal to or greater than your contribution to the Angel Scholarship Fund, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar refund up to $750! For married couples filing jointly, the maximum refund increases to $1,500.
On the donation form, pull down to St. Christopher School to direct your gift!

Worship Schedule
Weekend Mass
Saturday / 5:00 pm
Sunday / 8:30 am, 10:00 am & 11:30 am
Daily Mass
Mon – Fri / 11:00 am
Saturday/ 4:00 pm in the Church
Frequently Requested Forms & Resources
We’ve assembled links to some of our most accessed content here for you to quickly get to the information you need.
Our Parish
We are the people of St. Christopher Catholic Church, a Eucharistic community of faith dedicated to… Welcome, Celebrate, Care, & Grow… in the image and likeness of Jesus. Learn more.
Religious Education
To assist families of children in public school with religious formation, The Religious Education Office runs a PSR program in two sessions on Sunday: 8:30 and 10 o’clock. For more information, contact Sharon Armstrong at 440-331-6226 X 402 or sarmstrong@stchrisparish.com. Visit the PSR website.
Our School
Saint Christopher School is a Catholic school in the city of Rocky River, Ohio. Our staff members are welcoming, caring, certified by the State of Ohio and committed to student success. St. Christopher students receive an excellent Catholic education; rooted in Faith formation, rigorous academics, and service to others. Visit the school site.